Friday, July 25, 2008

Fashion History 101: YSL: LOVE

The Meaning of Love: YSL

There is something that is so uncomplicated about YSL's tributes to other artists. Each instance is a simple dedication, a nod of thanks and reverence.

To Piet Mondrian, a simple shift, a handshake of influence and inspiration. He taught us simplicity and the form is brought down to the simplest of shapes: two lines. But the feminine body is not reduced, it is outlined.

To Aragon and the surrealists, draping velvet and luscious colour like long kisses. They pulled apart everyday life and made it indistinguishable from our dreams, and the contours of the silhouette are likewise stretched to become something curiously recognizable. The symbolic order of the feminine body is reconstructed from patient mothering hour glass to an exaggerated matador.

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